Putting fund managers in the driving seat for Aztec

Side by side

The Aztec Group pride themselves on being the ‘Bright Alternative’ and it’s why we love working with them. As the market leader in fund and corporate services, they knew that their industry was changing and this presented an opportunity to change gear. They challenged us to find a way to encourage fund managers to migrate to Aztec. We came up with the perfect vehicle for them.

Bigger thinking

We wanted a theme that mirrored the values of Aztec Group. The answer was Formula One. F1 is the benchmark for high-performance, cutting-edge technology, innovation, and world-leading engineering. We designed and built ‘Drive2Aztec’, a bespoke micro-site offering fund managers a parallax scrolling experience that encouraged them to take a closer look at Aztec.

Designed as a racetrack with key sections flagging the perils and pit-stops of fund management, the experience took fund managers on a journey of discovery into what Aztec could offer them. The campaign launch was supported by a 30-second animation shared on LinkedIn to drive people to the Drive2.Aztec website.

Delivering excellence

The campaign was hugely successful, completely exceeding the engagement and opportunity goals set by Aztec and generated multiple engaged conversations.